Thursday, July 30, 2009

adventures in time out

Joe has been a pretty well behaved toddler thus far.  However, the terrible twos are beginning to make an appearance.  Joe is beginning to push boundaries throw tantrums, which i know is all a part of their healthy development.  Anyways, now and then he needs to be reprimanded for his naughty behavior.  I have decided not to spank, at least not at this point.  He has gotten little pops on the hand or leg a few times, and it doesn't work for him or me.  He thinks its funny or he thinks that since I have popped him, it would be a fun game to try and pop mommy right back.  So, we have begun using time out as a punishment and after a couple of days of trying this, it has really begun to work.  He is understanding the whole cause and effect thing of his actions.  I didn't think he would understand that he had to stay put in his time out spot, but after a couple of times he has gotten the hang of it.  I'm so proud of him and so glad this is working.  I know people have different views on spanking, but i would much rather not have to inflict pain on my child as a means for punishment.  If time out stops working, maybe we will re evaluate...who knows?  
I still havent gotten pictures from the lake onto the computer, but as soon as i do, you will see them!  I miss being with all of my family already.
Tonight, I am super excited about a charity event that John and I get to go to.  Leanne and Taylor are watching the boys for us...Joe loves them so much.  The event benefits Ovarian cancer research.  It's on top of the Redmont Hotel downtown and there will be a band, silent auction and tons of great food from Birmingham's best restaurants.  N Vogue is one of the partners in putting the event together.  There is even supposed to be some celebrity appearances.  It should be a fun time for a great cause.  It's always fun to spend some one on one time with john, too. :)  
Hope you all are having a great Thursday!  It's almost the weekend! Yaaaaay! 

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