Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Back to Reality.

First, I would like to acknowledge that it has been a while since I have last posted. Hopefully, this post means I'm back. :)

We spent the last week in Palm Springs, CA. We go every spring to visit John's parents who have a home out there.  It is paradise, let me tell you!  Anyways, we had a great time, and as soon as John gets the photos on the computer I will post about our time there.

Like I said, we spent a week in paradise....

And now we have a lot of this going on...

On the way home from Palm Springs, Noah had a fever virus.  We hopped right back into reality.  Then, yesterday, just a few days after the dreaded virus, Noah was diagnosed with a nasty double ear infection. Awesome.
AND this morning, Joe woke up with a fever virus. His seems a little different than Noah's, and since Noah's was almost a week ago, I doubt it could be the same virus.  I would think Joe would have caught it way sooner than now. Anyways, some of Joe's best buds have it too. No fun! :(  My sweet boy missed one of his buddy's birthday party today and he will be missing his first baseball practice this evening.  He's certainly disappointed.

Notice the puffy red eyes?? I think it's an allergic reaction to something in Motrin.  The doc doesn't seem to think so since Benadryl doesn't give him any relief.  However, this only happens when Motrin comes into play.  Who knows??

So, I'm playing nurse for my two sick boys today.

I sometimes find that there is something empowering about that role.  I have two whiney needy little boys, yet I am taking care of them as usual, I've lysol-ed the house, vacuumed, mopped the floors, washed their bedding and have done a load of clothes.  Why can't I be this productive every day?!

If you get a minute, say a prayer for my little sicklings.