Monday, July 11, 2011

Date Night

**My last post was a heavy one. So, we are lightening things up a bit today. A lot of you have asked what happened to my brother-in-law. I'm not trying to keep it from anyone, and I apologize for not responding to your questions. I do think it is my sister's story to tell. She really wants to share her story. She is working on getting a blog up and running, so as soon as it's ready, I'll be sure to post it for you all!**

Last week I got a phone call from John. It was an AWESOME one.

"Hey babe, guess what?!"


"I got us a baby sitter for Saturday night. Be thinking about what you want to do."

Best. Husband. Ever. :)

Fast forward to Saturday night...

Dinner @ Kona Grill

Don't worry, we didn't get too crazy. That's my drink in his left hand ;)


We walked around Village Point afterwards (an outdoor shopping mall..similar to the Summit for all you Birmingham folk)

We ended up @ Pier 1, where we purchased a couple of things for our kitchen. (Thank you, wedding gift card from 5 years ago for appearing and helping us with this purchase!)   :)
...loving the extra storage...
chalkboard fork
...gotta go back and get the spoon to match!

first drawer filled. 

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