Friday, December 4, 2009

Win a Super Great Prize!!

M.I.A, I know! I still haven't uploaded pictures to the computer, so I have been putting off blogging. I am posting because I would LOVE for you to head over to N Vogue's Blog, read the most current post, post any kind of comment, and you will have a chance to win an awesome $40 prize! Keep checking the site, because there will be MANY give- away posts. Next week we will be giving away a free hair service with our super fabulous hair artists.
P.S. You don't have to live in Birmingham to win today's prize.

Hope you all are having a great week! John and I are going to Chris Tomlin's Glory In the Highest Christmas concert tonight. YAY for Tomlin and YAY for a date! I'm so excited that Christmas is just around the favorite time of year!

Also, I would love to pray for you. If you have anything I can pray for you about, please comment, or email me @ .


The Williamson's said...

Your link to N Vogue's Blog isn't working. I want to participate but I can't get to the blog. Help!!

Anonymous said...

Why won't link work this is frustrating