Well, this morning was my first time to get myself and both boys ready and out the door by myself. Noah had a doctor's appointment at 9:30, so we left the house at 8:30 so that I could drop Joe off at my mom's. It went very well. I am proud of myself! Noah started waking up at 7, so when he started stirring I got up and got myself ready really fast. By the time I was done getting myself ready and getting the boys' bags packed, it was 7:35ish and Joe was waking up and Noah was ready to eat. So, I got Joe out of his crib and had his sipee cup waiting on him. I fed, burped, and changed Noah while Joe played. Then I got Joe changed and ready and out the door we went. We were actually ahead of schedule!...(i'ts all because I showered last night..that's the key)
Noah's appointment went really well. He weighed 10.5 pounds (90th percentile) and was about 22 in long (70th percentile). He's our itty bitty big boy :) He is doing so well. He is still only waking up once at night to eat, so John and I get a full nights rest every other night. I know I say this all the time, but I really do have the best husband...sharing the responsibility of raising and caring for our children with me. That is so special for Joe and Noah. They are blessed little boys to have a daddy that loves them so much, serves them unselfishly, and plays with them alll the time (when he's not working of course). I'm so glad that they have a solid example of what it looks like to be a man after God's heart. Anyways, back on track. Noah is doing great. He is so sweet, laid back, and cuddly. He hardly ever cries, he eats and sleeps well, and he is having a lot more alert and awake periods. He is beautiful.
Joe likes to rub his head and show him toys. He doesn't seem to be very jealous. Occasionally he doesnt like it when I am feeding Noah a bottle, but after an episode we had last week, he doesn't act out about it anymore.
Story: One day last week I was feeding Noah and Joe wanted my undivided attention. He kept trying to swat the bottle out of my hand and out of Noah's mouth. I told him no a couple of times and then, instead of swatting at the bottle, he began pinching my leg. I had shorts on, so it HURT! I don't know where he learned to pinch. Anyways, I told him NO and he didnt stop. So, i thought for a second, and maybe this decision was bad...but it worked. I pinched him back. He has yet to pinch me again or act out when I am feeding Noah. I'm not proud of the fact that I pinched my son, and I hate that i caused him any pain, but in that moment, it was the only thing that worked. And this is coming from a mom who is still uncertain of the whole spanking issue. In college we read studies on spanking and the effects it has on children, and I didnt like some of the results. Anyways, I am uncertain and unsettled about it.
Anyways, we picked Joe up after the doc appointment and he was outside with mom when we pulled in. I love it when he is sweaty with rosey cheeks from playing hard outside. Mom bought him a wagon and the Handy Manny tool set the other day and he was going to town outside playing with his toys. From there we stopped by John's work so that he could show off Noah to some of his co-workers. It was good to be home after that!
Well, it is almost Joe's nap time and Noah is fed and sleeping peacefully, so Joe and I are going to cuddle and watch a Handy Manny episode before I put him down. Hope you all are having a great week!