Wednesday, September 30, 2009

My 4 Month Old!

Noah was 4 months old on the 28th (which was also my momma's bday!). He had his 4 month check up yesterday. He weighed 15lbs 9 oz (75th percentile) and was in the 90th percentile for height. I can't remember off of the top of my head what his exact length was... but I do remember that he was longer than 2 feet. I had a great conversation with our pediatrician about the swine flu. The media makes such a big deal about it so I had some questions for him. He basically said that it is nothing compared to the normal seasonal flu. He said the severity of the swine flu is much less than the normal seasonal flu that we see and that it is ridiculous what the media is making it out to be. Apparently people, like drug companies, are making a lot of money off of it. He said that the only medical personnel who are able to go on the news to make statements about this flu are infectious disease doctors, who only see the very small percent of patients with the swine flu who are severely ill and are, most of the time, also dealing with other illnesses. He said that a very large majority of patients he has seen with the swine flu get better without any medication and the symptoms have not been nearly as severe as the seasonal flu. He said that the worst thing he has seen from the swine flu was that in two children it led to an ear infection. Needless to say, he took away most of the worries that I had for sure.
Anyways, back to Noah! He looked great and is very healthy. He had 4 shots and his feelings were so hurt, but he got over it pretty quickly. 5 minutes later he was talking to and laughing at his toy giraffe (aka Raffy). Noah is such a sweet baby and has the biggest personality already. A 4 month old has never made me laugh the way he does. He is very personable and he never meets a stranger. ( I think this is a good thing and a bad thing! ) He is "talking" a lot, laughing a lot, putting everything in his mouth, holding his head up well, has rolled over a handful of times, and makes the "ma ma" sound when he cries. It kills me. I know he isn't really saying my name, but to hear "ma ma" when he is so upset breaks my heart. He is a strong boy... he loves tummy time and can easily lift his chest off of the ground now by pushing up with his arms. I have started carrying him on my hip because his neck and core are now strong enough.
He is sweet, sweet, sweet. He loves to cuddle and grab my face. I'm sad that this stage won't last forever. But, I can't wait to see the boy and man he will become. He is really taking an interest in Joe. He loves to watch his every move and they both get so tickled at each other. It's so sweet to see them make each other laugh. He also gets upset when he sees big brother upset. I have a feeling that Noah is going to be very sensitive.
Noah is so very special and it is so awesome to know that the Lord has GREAT plans for him.
I promise promise promise to upload some recent pictures of him. Hold me to it!! Both boys are to go!


Patrick and Melanie said...

i MISS you! will be in bham for a whirlwind weekend soon, maybe we can catch up!

Lindsay said...

glad to hear all is well!